Anti-black racism, public health, and COVID-19

Racism is a public health crisis. Racism structures opportunity and assigns value based on how a person looks. The result: conditions that unfairly advantage some and unfairly disadvantage others. Racism hurts the health of our nation by preventing some people the opportunity to attain their highest level of health. While racism may be intentional or unintentional, it operates at various levels in society. Racism and unjust social policy are the driving forces behind the social determinants of health (like housing, education, and employment, to name a few) and are explicit barriers to health equity.


  • Create a joint HRC/DPH resolution declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis to be voted on by the Public Health Commission

  • Create and distribute a quality report card on workplace and healthcare related racism rating/ranking healthcare systems in San Francisco (UCSF, Kaiser, Sutter, local clinics)

  • Create a virtual “Green Book” on healthcare quality in San Francisco for Black residents